Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Choose a topic and write an outline to represent your ideas for the the topic. Remember to refer to the format on page 106 of your textbook for the format of an outline. Follow that format closely.


Blogger nicholexh said...


Thesis statement:
The advantages of being the eldest child in family are the child is more I independent, will get all those new things and more freedom.

Topic sentence 1:
The advantage of being the eldest child in the family is the child is more independent.

Supporting details 1:
Because the parents give responsibility to take care of all the siblings.

Supporting details 2:
Other than that, the eldest child is also given the responsibility to do some of the household chores.

Supporting details 3:
The parents will give them love and supports. This drives them to be more mature and have more mature thinking skills. This also makes them become more independent.

Topic sentence 2:
On top of that, the person who is the eldest child will get more freedom from their parents.

Supporting details 1:
Because of being the first or eldest child in the family, the child might be more independent and will stand on his two feet.

Supporting details 2:
This is because the parents still have to look after other children.

Supporting details 3:
So, the eldest child will get more freedom compared to other child in the family.

Topic sentence 3:
In the other hand, the other advantage of being the first child in the family is the child will get all the new things from their parents.

Supporting details 1:
Parents tend to give more attention to the first child in the family. It is an undeniable fact.

Supporting details 2:
Besides, parents will but whatever things needed by the eldest child. This is one of the ways how parents show their love and cares towards their child.

Supporting details 3:
It is a waste if the old things such as toys being dumped away just because of oldness. So, the eldest child will always be the one to get new things and try new things and the other children will be using the toys after being passed to them by the eldest child.

1:55 PM

Blogger mandyals said...

Title: How to encourage a reading habit among students?

Thesis statement: Reading is a good hobby. There are many ways to encourage a reading habit among the students.

Topic Sentences 1:
Firstly, we have to provide the material to the students.

Supporting details
(a): Provide magazines, story books, newspaper and revision books.

(b): Easier for them to read

(c): Some of them are poor and do not have enough money to buy its. They can read buy borrowing those material that have been provided.

Topic Sentences 2:
In addition, we can organize a camp or campaign.

Supporting details
(a): To inform them what are the benefits of reading.

(b): Encourage them to read and take it as habit or hobby.

(c): Share their reading experiences between each others.

Topic Sentences 3:
Finally, we can have the reading competition among the students.

Supporting details

(a): Let them be more active on reading.

(b): Award them who become the winner for the competition.

(c): Theirfriends that participate the reading competition will influence or encourage the others.

2:04 PM

Blogger scorpioneo said...

Junior and Apple PM11,

This link is for you to post your outline, not introduction and concluding paragraphs yeah. Please make sure you repost your paragraphs in the link for introduction and concluding paragraph.

12:18 PM

Blogger scorpioneo said...

dear applePM11,

Sorry for my earlier comment. I didn't notice that what you have posted is actually your outline. Do make sure that you have proper spacing in between your sentences so that it's easier to read. Thank you.

12:44 PM

Blogger scorpioneo said...


Referring to you thesis statement, you should mention clearly what your essay is going to be about. LIst out the methods of how to encourage the reading habits among students in your thesis statement.

12:55 PM

Blogger scorpioneo said...

green colour,

Referring to your first topic sentence, you have somewhat misunderstood the topic of the essay. Being the eldest in the family means the child is the first born of a family but that doesn't mean you can give supporting details saying that an eldest get most attention because they are the first baby to be born into the family as the context(meaning) of the topic refers to a family that already have other children in the family and the eldest is no longer a baby and only child in the family. The eldest have other siblings after him/her.

12:59 PM

Blogger mickey_watermelon said...

The drawbacks of cigarette smoking

Thesis sentence:
Smoking will cause health problem, leading to drug abuse, and waste money.

Topic sentence:
Firstly smoking will harm our health

SD 1:
Smoking will cause all kind of cancer such as lung cancer

SD 2:
Harmful substance in cigarette will kill brain cell

SD 3:
Nicotine will harm baby if the pregnant women is a smoker

Topic sentence 2:
Will waste money

SD 1:
Lot of smoker spend half of their income in cigarette

SD 2:
Smoker cannot save their money because of smoking

SD 3:
Smoking will make smoker poorer

Topic sentence 3:
Finally, smoking will lead to drug abuse

SD 1:
Smoker will turn to drug if their didn't get enough satisfactory

SD 2:
Lot of the smoker will turn to drug by accident. E.g: being trick by friend by adding drug to cigarette

SD 3smoker will use drug in their cigarette to double their enjoyment

6:51 PM

Blogger scorpioneo said...


Your thesis statement is a factual statement. Thesis statements must not only be factual statements but they also must be statements that include the three main points that your essay is going to include. You TS should look something like this: Children are easily influenced by television due to three factors. They are...

1:28 PM

Blogger scorpioneo said...


Do state clearly the methods to encourage the reading habit among students. Thus, the statement will make a clear thesis statement.

1:31 PM

Blogger scorpioneo said...


You might want to changed your third topic sentence to something most credible.

1:37 PM

Blogger scorpioneo said...


Topic sentence 3: Finally, the smoke of cigarette will cause the social problems in our environment.
Supporting details 1: when we are smoking, the smoke will cause the air pollution.
Supporting details 2: the smoke of cigarette also will influence our family member health.
Supporting details 3: smoking also will cause the other people feel uncomfortable because they are difficult to breathing.

The topic sentence and supporting details you have come up with above, does not support each other. When you talk about social problems, it involves how it affects the society and not about how something affects the environment (cause polution). Please rethink on how you would wite your supporting details to support your topic sentence.

1:46 PM

Blogger uRaNus_PM11 said...

TITLE : How to encourage a reading habit among students.

THESIS STATEMENT : Reading is a habit that should be encouraged among all walks of life especially students. Reading habit can be encouraged through schools,teachers, and the society.

Topic sentences 1:-
First and foremost, school play an important role in encouraging a reading habit.
Supporting details:-
(a) organize the reading campaign regularly
(b) distribute free newspapers to students everyday
(c) create a good study environment , provide better facilities in the

Topic sentences 2:-
Besides, teachers also have great influences in encourage students
reading habit.
Supporting details:-
(a) have a reading session before start a lesson.
(b) allow students to choose their favourite topic for their assignment

Topic sentences 3 :-
Finally, society also has the responsibility to encourage reading habit.
Supporting details :-
(a) launch book exhibitions
(b) offer discount for students who purchase books
(c) book sales, buy one free one
(d) printing sector can provide more interesting books for students.

12:12 PM

Blogger scorpioneo said...


Your thesis statement seems to state ideas which are redundant (same) for example, "we can share our opinion or problem with each other no matter in our studies or others, getting help from each others" shows that your controlling ideas are the same. Helping in studies getting help from a room mate doesn't show much difference unless you state what kind of help.

The benefits of having a roommate

Thesis statemate:
the benefits is that we can share our opinion or problem with each other no matter in our studies or others, getting help from each others and we can get to know each other races.

Topic sentence 1:
Benefits of having roommate is that we can share our thought and problem with each other.

Supporting detail A:
sharing our thought in doing course work or home work.
Supporting detail B:
They can help us to solve our personal problems and at times he can also act as a decision maker for us.
Supporting detail C:
They will try to solve and listen to our problem that we face without giving any excuses.

Topic sentence 2:
Getting help from each others

Supporting detail A:
Safeguarding one and other again crime.
Supporting detail B:
We are able to share our joy and sorrow together.
Supporting detail C:
They will help us when we fall sick or in need of help.

Topic sentence 3:
We can get to know each other races

Supporting detail A:
To learn to gain somebody trust and develop a relationship based on responsibility, love and concern.
Supporting detail B:
To get to know the interest of all races, in terms of religion, culture, lifestyle and language.
Supporting detail C:
To have a deeper understanding with each other.


3:44 PM

Blogger scorpioneo said...


Thesis statement: Nowadays, children are easily influenced by watching television.

The thesis statement above that you have written only states the topic of the essay. However, it does not include the CONTROLLING IDEAS, in which you will use to build your essay.


Beautifully written outline!

Irene (PM09), Ivan Chin

Thesis statement: Nowadays, the number of teenagers smoking is increasing.(Irene)

Thesis statement: Nowadays the level of cigarette smoking already exceed to he dangerous level. It will become a social manace in a near future. (Ivan Chin)

Note: What you have here is a similar problem with Chiann’s thesis statement. Please refer to my comment on Chiann’s thesis statement.

Mickey mouse,

Beautifully written thesis statement. Clearly stated topic and controlling ideas.


Thesis Statement: We can encourage reading habit among students by
parents supporting, encourage of schools and provide
more facilities for it.

Note: How can you improve your thesis statement? Please refer to Mickey mouse’s thesis statement to get some ideas. He/She has written the same topic.

Crazy student,

Topic sentence 3:
Further more, we can gain a lot of knowledge and experience by having
a roommate.

Supporting detail 1:
We can know about roommate and their hometown.

Supporting detail 2:
We can exchange our experience to them.

Supporting detail 3:
We also learn how to communicate with people when we communicate with our roommate.

Note: Referring to topic sentence 3, you have to try to give examples to show how someone is able to gain knowledge from having a room mate.

3:56 PM

Blogger scorpioneo said...


Thesis statement: Reading is a best way for students to gain knowledge. So, students are encouraged to have a reading habit in order to get more knowledge.

Note: Your thesis statement is unclear. A thesis statement must include a topic and controlling ideas to show readers what your essay is going to be about.

4:06 PM

Blogger scorpioneo said...


Topic sentences 3: other than that, being an elder’s child they have friend to plays together.

Supporting details a: the elders will be able teach their siblings new things.
Supporting details b: they can plays computer games together.
Supporting details c: the elder’s could share they stuff with other siblings.

note: Would be better to write the 3rd topic sentence like this: Being the eldest means having a younger sibling to play with. (instead of using the word 'friend')

4:16 PM

Blogger Nic_Wei said...

Title: The drawbacks of cigarette smoking
Thesis statement: There are many drawbacks such as influence our health, wasting money and affected other people.

Topic sentences1: Cigarette smoking will cause our health become weak or death.

Supporting detail (1): People die each year from diseases caused by smoking such as heart attack.
Supporting detail (2): 90% of all lung cancer is attributable to tobacco smoking
Supporting detail (3): Nicotine is a substance that causes a strong physical addiction.

Topic sentences 2: Cigarette smoking can waste smoker’s money.
Supporting detail (1): A box of cigarette cost about RM7.00.
Supporting detail (2): The smokers will at least or more than spent RM7.00 everyday.
Supporting detail (3): The smokers addict in smoking, if they can’t quit from smoking they will spent a big of amount.

Topic sentences 3: The cigarette smoking bothers people around.
Supporting detail (1): The cigarette smoke leaves an unpleasant smell.
Supporting detail (2): Second-hand smoke is dangerous to those around.
Supporting detail (3): Cigarette smoke bothers other people a great deal.

9:29 PM


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