Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Fourth Assignment

Write a paragraph on one body paragraph and one concluding paragraph for this title:

"The negative effects of deforestation". Based on your knowledge and experience, describe some of the effects and the disastrous consequences of uncontrolled deforestation on the mother nature. You may include the following aspects:

  • animal habitation
  • vegetation
  • human beings

Remember the structures available for cause and effect essay.

Note: Taken from page 103, exam compilation, 22 october 2001 midterm paper.


Blogger mooncakeme said...

Deforestation,in general is the removal of trees.This often is a result of human activities.One of the negative effects of deforestation is on greenhouse effect.Trees remove the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during the process of photosynthesis.Both the rotting and burning of wood releases this stored carbon monoxide back into the atmosphereBesides that,deforestation can cause the distruction of the habitats that support biological diversity.When this happen,animal will be homeless and die.
In conclusion,we,as a caring society must make an effort to put a stop or slow the deforestation so that we can save the mother nature.

1:51 PM

Blogger zazzy said...

“The negative effects of deforestation”
Can you imagine, life without forest? It is a picture that most of humankind presently could not conceive. Forest, cover much of the planet’s land area. They are extremely important to humans and the natural world. Deforestation brings about a lot of negative effects on the earth. Deforestation disturbs many animal species, especially large mammals. In 1986 there were 20013 tigers in The Rainforest, but, in 2003 there were only 34520 tigers live there. Nowadays, we can see tiger only in the zoo because of the small number of them, which is still live here. In the first half of the 2000 vegetation period, there was an exceptionally warm weather with the shortage of rainfalls. This has been reflected mainly in forestation with significant decrease in seedlings sprouting. Total damages caused by game in young vegetation area in the size of 697.22 ha. Human beings have always cut down trees. Wood has historically been the most dominant form of heating fuel, as well as one of the most often used building materials for houses and ships. 25% of the world's lumber harvest now goes towards paper production. But in the same time human have to realize about the Green House, the increasing in the world heat and also in the carbon cycle.

So where can we go from here? There is no one easy solution as deforestation is caused by many things. One option is decreasing the need for the amount of products that are harvested from the rainforests. If all countries, especially developed ones, enforced programs that used recycling, the need for disposable products would be diminished and the loggers would not have a business. If the demand is cut off, there is no need for the supply. Other solutions involve money. One that could help to alleviate deforestation is providing aide to foreign countries so they give homes to those who are at high risk of becoming "shifted cultivators". The trick is convincing taxpayers to reach into their pockets. Another would be to appeal to the American public to settle for higher prices on the cash crops that are imported to this country for cheap prices especially that burger at the local fast food joint. If Americans are willing to pay more, corporations such as those in the fast food industry can stop petitioning other countries to farm the rainforests for the manufacture of the materials they need to make their products.

5:33 PM

Blogger JeNniE said...

Deforestation is the permanent loss of forests to other land uses such as agriculture, new settlements, infrastructure, and dam reservoirs. Tropical deforestation is now widely recognized as one of the most critical environmental problems facing the world today, with serious long-term economic and social consequences. Probably the most serious and most short-sighted consequence of deforestation is the loss of biodiversity. The antiseptic phrase "loss of biodiversity" masks the fact that the annual destruction of tropical forests means the extinction of thousands of species and varieties of plants and animals, many of which have never been catalogued scientifically. How many species are lost each year? The exact figure is not known, a consequence of our limited knowledge of tropical forest ecosystems and our inadequate monitoring systems. Besides that, clearing the vegetative cover for slash and burn farming exposes the soil to the sun and the rains. This can negatively affect the soil by increasing its compaction, reducing its organic material, leeching out its few nutrients available, increasing its aluminum toxicity of soils, making it marginal for farming.

So the question is, is it possible to stop deforestation? It is unlikely in the foreseeable future, but the rate of deforestation can be slowed down considerably and its negative socioeconomic and environmental impacts can be minimized.


9:27 PM

Blogger scorpioneo said...

To Angie PM51 and Izat PM45

Both of you have written a very impressive body paragraph and concluding paragraph. You have evidently read the readings in the website I've included. However, you'll have to ask yourself whether have you truly paraphrase? Nevertheless, well done! Class, take note of their writings.

To Alex PM51

Alex has written an introduction paragraph that is quite well written. He used general statements on the whole issue of deforestation and stated the thesis statement clearly. Class, take note of his writing.

To Sandra PM51

I would have to say that your body paragraph is well organized. Bravo!

To Yollah PM51

Well done! Good writing. Class, do take note of Yollah's writing.

To Angie_PM51

You do not have to post again….no worries…..there is two postings for Fourth assignment because the first time I try posting it, the server was busy and thinking that it was not posted, I posted it again. J

To Loh Ann Key PM45

"humans are deforestation….." should be written as "humans practice deforestation or humans are clearing forest….". Take a look at either Yollah's or Alex's concluding paragraph. Both are from PM51. Do remember that the concluding paragraph are either your point of view of the topic, recommendations or a summary of what you have written. J

To Kiru PM51

Fantastic! That's all I have to say about your writing. Class, do take note of Kiru's writing.

To Zaidah PM45

You have included valuable statictics which are very good for writing an introduction. Nevertheless, you have not really stated your topic sentence very clearly as you have not stated what is the negative effect of deforestation and you have not really elaborated on it. You will need to think of one negative effect and then write relevant supporting details to support your topic sentence. Do take note of writing from Alex, Kiru and Yollah to see how they state their topic sentence (negative effects of deforestation ) and how they use relevant supporting details to support their topic sentence. For example, one of the negative effects of deforestation is the extinction of flora and fauna. This is your topic sentence for your one of your body paragraphs. Next, you will have to use relevant examples (supporting details) to elaborate on your topic sentence.

To Foong PM51

Trees produce oxygen and USE CARBON DIOXIDE not release carbon monoxide. Foong, please refer to the comment I gave to Zaidah above. J

To Suzanna PM51

Did you paraphrase? However, the credit to you is that you have done your reading before writing J Good try.

To Farahblog

You have two topic sentences in your body paragraph. You will have to choose which negative effect (topic sentence) that you will one to elaborate on. In your paragraph, you stated:
1. extinction of flora and fauna
2. medical problems

Thus, you will only have to find suitable supporting details to elaborate either one of the above topic sentences. Once elaborated, you will have one body paragraph.

Dear students,

Those whom I have not commented on please don't worry. It's not because you have done so bad that I do not know how to comment. It's just that I will only comment on those who fall in two extremes: one which are very good and those which has a prominent problem.

4:02 PM


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