Friday, September 24, 2004

First assignment

For you first assignment, you will have to write an argument paragraph (first body paragraph) on the following topic, "Animal Rights". Below are the two possible thesis statements for this particular topic and you'll have to choose a side and construct your argument paragraph with relevant details and evidence. Happy writing!

Thesis Statements:
a. Animal testing is necessary to develop new medicines and advance scientific


b. Animal testing is unethical and should be outlawed.

Some of the issues in this argument:

a. What rights do animals possess?
b. What rights do humans have to use animals as they wish?
c. Can new medicines and vaccines be safely developed without animal testing?
d. Is it human nature to eat meat?Do humans exploit animals when they keep them as pets and/or in zoos?

Note: Click on "FIrst Assignment " as there is a link there to help you in your writing. The links brings you to website with information on animal testing.


Blogger scorpioneo said...

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10:20 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I am absolutely agreed that animal testing is necessary to develop new medicines and advance scientific knowledge, as long as the purpose of this research is to cure humans diseases that have no medicine to heals. Moreover, the DNA of humans and non humans are similarly the same. Therefore, the scientists are possible to find new medicine and cure more unknown diseases just like an age before. Even tough that animals can be use for research, we as humans should watch over this kind of activity, the rotations of food chains for non humans or animals should be monitored so that, the animals as an object for the research will not become extinct and of course, we have to prevent that animals are not tested excessively. As a result the scientific knowledge will keep going advance and the animals which are objects by humans’ research will not become extinct.

3:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The use of animal for testing figures prominently in the animal research controversy. It raises issues such as the ethics and humaneness of deliberately poisoning animals, and the propriety of harming animals for the sake of marketing new product like cosmetics and also new medicines. But for me, i do agree that animal testing is necessary. The use of animals remains necessary to ensure the safety of some products or medicines. In industry, they use animal to test on cosmetics product, chemicals and drugs. Human and non human have the same genes. Therefore, researcher can test on animal to find out whether it is safety for human to use the product or not. We can't use human as an experiment because it can lead to death. But we have to take safety ways to prevent animals from become extinct. There are scientific procedure that used by researchers that make animals less pain, suffering or discomfort. These are the alternatives to the use of animals. So it is necessary to do animal testing to produce new medicine and advance scientific knowledge.

5:30 PM

Blogger mooncakeme said...

I agree that animal testing is unethical and should be outlawed.Animal rights is the concept that animals capable of valuing their own life,should be entitled to posses their own flesh and therefore are deserving of rights to protect their autonomy.Testing, in particular testing for developing new medicines and advance scientific knowledge,using animals,causing a great loss of animal life.Eventhough i agree that animal testing are performed to find out how drugs are absorbed,metabolized and excreted,but chances that it can be works on human are quite unsure.For example,transgenic mice carrying the same defective gene as people with cytic fibrosis do not show the pancreatic blockage or lung infections that plague humans with the desease because mice and humans have different methabolic pathways.

11:45 PM

Blogger zazzy said...

I agree that animal testing is necessary to develop new medicines and advance scientific knowledge. From year to year, animal lovers and scientists argued about this thing. To get a better life with a good health, we need to sacrifice something. We called the act or practice of cutting into or otherwise injuring living animals, especially for the purpose of scientific research as vivisection. The first recorded use of the word “vivisection” for experimenting on animals was made by the physician and collector Sir Hans Sloane in 1707. We, especially scientist, can not imagine how when it comes to asking what a single gene does in a whole organism when you are targeting the treatment of cancer without using an animal. We cannot give any medicine to a patient without testing it first because it may be able to bring a bad effect to the patient. So, with using animal like rat or monkey we can know the result whether it is good or bad because people’s life is very expensive to pay. A year ago, an actress from Singapore was died because of the using of dieting pill that make her limp cannot work. The medicine had not been tested before. But many of the activities that have had major impacts on the way animals are used in experimentation have been a by-product of research that did not specifically set out of animal welfare. In 1998, there was thousands of rat that had been killed because for the testing. Frame is one of the leading groups in Britain promoting alternatives to the use of animals in research - an approach that is widely referred to as the three Rs: replacement, refinement and reduction (and one that is not enough for the more extreme groups who only consider replacement). The first thing to say is that research into alternatives is nowhere near being able to phase out animals completely, and probably never will be. Second, it is entirely false to suggest, as some anti-vivisection groups do, that research using animals does not bring enormous benefits to medicine. For those who disagree, the patients' group Seriously Ill for Medical Research has printed spoof donor cards that invite holders to refuse any medical treatment developed using animals for themselves, their families and pets. It still has plenty in stock. It’s not true that animal experiments are never justified but it’s not true that they are always justified either, Robert Combes, scientific director of the charity Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments (Frame).

4:11 AM

Blogger scorpioneo said...


Your writing would be very good as an introduction. However, you have not stated your argument yet. What you have done is merely general statements about animal testing. Nevertheless, you have written a very good paragraph. Well done!

9:08 PM

Blogger scorpioneo said...


Your argument is written vaguely. YOu will have to ask yourself, "What is my argument?" from there, you can go on with the elaboration. What you have written mainly touches on the introduction.

9:12 PM

Blogger justin said...

Animals testing is unethical and should be outlaw.Animal like chimpanzee always used for experiment because it look alike human.From the research,we found that chimpanzee is one of the endangered species.If human still do not want to control this act and think that animal testing is necessary to develop new medicines and advance scientific, all the animal will face endangered.Since that the technology nowadays is so advance,I believe that without the animals testing the scientists still have other ways to invent and uncover useful medicine and vaccines ,sacrifice animals doesn't mean will get the best medicines.Hence ,i would like to emphasize that animal testing is unethical and should be outlawed.

12:07 AM

Blogger M!@O Y!n said...

I do agree that animal testing is necessary to develop new medicines and advance science knowledge. There are three main areas by using laboratory animals for some research or testing. The three main areas are biomedical research, product safety testing, and also education. According to the report of the biomedical researchers, they use the animals to extend their understanding of the workings of the body and the processes of disease and health, and also to develop the new vaccines treatments for the disease. The research these people do isn’t only for the benefits of human but it is helping to develop veterinary techniques. The industry uses animals to test the effectiveness and safety of many consumer products, such as cosmetics, household cleaning products, pesticides, chemicals, and drugs. Educators, from elementary school all the way up to college, use animals as parts of the teaching process, including dissecting worms, and frogs in science classes to medical students using animals to learn surgical techniques. Scientists study animals to learn more about certain species: its history, its psychological and social behaviours, and its skills. If the animals are kept in captivity, they can be caused pain that isn’t natural part of its environment. A number of organizations wish to replace and reduce the number of animals being used or, at the very least, lessen the pain.

1:27 AM

Blogger jackmarine said...

Before i start with my points, there is one thing i would like to define it first,the meaning of animal testing.Animal testing is to take the animal to do research on new medicine that are in the process of developing it by doing test on animal to see whats the effect on it.For me i definetly disagree with it based on the points below.

Let me start with animal rights.I know it may sound funny but let us look at the point of moral value.Everyone has their own right no matter who he/it is.And sides who give us the right to take animal as an experimental thing is it because we r humans and we are great or is it because we are smarter and more well developed than animals?Everyone who is born to this world have their rights to lived and survived the way they want as long as they dont go over the limid.Yes i do say humans do have the right to do what they want but not until the extend of using animals as an experimental thing.Do we actually know the suffering of the animals going through when we are experimentaling them and if the medicine doesnt work the animals die.Indirectly we are killing the animals which is totaly unacceptable cause we do not have the right to kill anything in no matter what circumtences except for self defence.And even if the medicine does work the side effect in the animal wil stay for a long time or forever.And let us talk from the bottom of our heart,how do we feel when we the innocent animls suffering and die because of human experiment we do feel sad and guilty i am not saying everyone but majority.Are we uncerable to ourselves.For me i would say no.The guiltness in me wil last for sometime.

4:50 PM

Blogger JeNniE said...

Each year millions of primates, dogs, monkeys, sheeps, rabbits, rats, cats and other animals are used to test and develop new medicines and vaccines. These animal testing have long been a source of controversy. There are many ways an animal is used to fulfill the humans need such as for entertainment purposes- rodeos and circuses are subject to dismemberment and death due to poorly designed zoos and aquariums. On factory farms, animals are slaughtered and butchered in assembly- line fashion to be eaten by human. Adding on, for sports and for the clothes industries, many wild animals are hunted and killed. Others die agonizing death in steel jaw leg hold traps so people can wear their skins as clothes or shoes. Human who keep animals as pets too are not treating animals as their companion but these poor pets suffer abuse. Allowing pets to overpopulate leads to starvation on the streets.

There is NO law that allows humans to test their personal care and household products on animals before selling them to consumers. Most of the large producers of personal care and household products could adopt these methods which are more cost effective, better predictors of human injury, produce far quicker results, and do not involve animal cruelty. The two main reasons are companies act such is because of the fear for human safety and the fear of product liability suits. But do they realize that they, human, actually have no rights towards these animals. It’s almost the same like the rights that we humans have. No one decides anyone’s life besides God.

Adding on, it isn’t a human’s nature to eat meat. There are many vegetarians around the world such as the monks and the nuns. They believe in karma- life is a circle, what goes around comes around! Some might claim that, as long as people don't kill animals themselves, it is okay to eat meat. When people buy products made from the bodies of dead animals, they must necessarily cause someone to kill those animals. Therefore, meat, leather, and fur are off limits. There are also some who claims that the content of their stomach doesn’t matter it’s just the mind content that matters. Many people have tried to justify killing animals because of the benefits it brings, whether economic benefits to people who work in animal-killing occupations, or potential medical benefits. The animal rights activists should note that killing of animals in "shelters" is forbidden. So, I strongly believe that animals testing are unethical and should be outlawed.


2:08 PM


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