Monday, September 27, 2004

Second Assignment

Technological inventions have led to magnificent changes in human life in the last decade. Compare or contrast any pair of the gadgets listed below. Write only one paragraph.

  • Palm Top vs. Personal Computer
  • Digital Camera vs. Handy Camera
  • Conventional Phone vs. Mobile Phone


Blogger scorpioneo said...

Alex of PM 51 has written a very good introduction. The only thing missing is his thesis statement. He has not stated his thesis statement. As for his content, it's superb. Keep it up Alex!

Amani of PM 45, you have used the 'point by point' method is your writing. Very well structured. However, there are grammatical errors such as sentence structure. Nevertheless, your organisation of points are perfect.

1:26 PM

Blogger scorpioneo said...

Soh Yun Qing of PM51. Your organisation of points, initially is good. However, the last sentence, where you mentioned on ‘sending message online and so on’ is already a new supporting detail to be compared with the conventional phone and you did not do that. As such, your paragraph is incomplete. Nevertheless, your organisation is wonderful…it’s just the last sentence….ok?

Nurul of PM51…a few corrections….
“Mobile phones are an essential item to everyone nowadays. There are many differences between the mobile phone and conventional phone in terms of usage and mobility. In terms of mobility, the mobile phone is portable. It allows the user to carry the device anytime, everywhere. In terms of usage, the mobile phone has the flexibility and the technological support to allow the user to go online. Not forgetting a plus point where mobile phones are indispensable when it comes to emergencies.”

2:18 PM

Blogger scorpioneo said...

Yus laaa…do identify yourself. Also, do look out for the usage of words in your essay. You must use appropriate words. There are a few words that you have used which is inappropriate such as “….already taken when it’s cleaned”. The appopriate word shoud be “developed”.

Qistina of PM45 has a smashing introduction. Look at the way she describes the camera. It’s a very good example of how to write general statements regarding the topic at hand. The thesis statement is also stated very clearly at the end of the paragraph.

Muhammad PM51….need to edit your work. Your points are ok….nevertheless, your structures can be improved. Do refer to how the others have written. Keep it up!

Jiun wen PM51…I’ve checked an there is no such word as “inventoriable”

5:08 PM

Blogger justin said...

On this advance world ,many things had been created.One of the famous creation are camera.People will like to take photo as memory.Camera had change from handy camera to digital camera.Eventhough handy camera is much cheaper than digital camera , people still like to use digital camera because of the convenient provide by digital camera.As we know, digital camera will provide clearer photo. We can adjust the photo even after it is taken.If u don't like the photo, you can delete it without wasted the film.The advanced digital camera can zoom to take picture from far away but handy camera can do nothing about this.Beside that,digital camera are less affected by sunlight is compare to handy camera.

7:44 PM

Blogger mooncakeme said...

conventional phones brings inconvinient to people.Most of the conventional phone is attach to the phone wire and brings difficulties to people who are using it.they can't seems to bring it anywhere they want because of the wire.Besides that,conventional phones are commonly big in size and less function.Compared to conventional phones,mobile phones brings convinient to people because it is using built in antenna and no wire is needed.thus,it is easy to bring to anywhere that we want.furthermore,it is design to fit the palm of,basically it is small in size and commonly multifunction such as for sms,mms and ems.

10:48 AM

Blogger scorpioneo said...

This is a very good written piece. Well done, Mano of PM45

In the modern era, handy cameras are no longer handy whereas digital camera has become a popular thing now. For most people, they believe that digital camera can save their cost because there is no need for them to worry about the existence of films and the cost of developing it. Besides that, we can also view the photos once taken and it can be deleted if we are not satisfied with the photos. Adding on to that, digital cameras are more advanced in technology. Photos can be saved in the cameras memory card and be downloaded into the personal computer to be saved or burnt into the CD-ROM which indirectly saves the cost of processing and the space needed to keep a CD is much smaller than the space needed to keep a photo album.

By : Manoranjennie Sandiran
1041106273 ( PM 45 )
28 Sept 2004

9:28 AM

Blogger Bernice said...

Nowadays,technological inventors have led to magnificient changes in human life in the last decade. Invention of mobile phone is one of the examples that we can see. The presence of mobile phone today bring us a lot of advantages tat the conventional phone failed to give us. For example,we can bring our mobile phone to wherever we want. While conventional phone cannot let us do so. Without the wire and phone port, it cannot work. Therefore,mobile phone is obvisiously better than conventional phone.

12:46 PM

Blogger Bernice said...

Nowadays,technological inventors have led to magnificient changes in human life in the last decade. Invention of mobile phone is one of the examples that we can see. The presence of mobile phone today bring us a lot of advantages tat the conventional phone failed to give us. For example,we can bring our mobile phone to wherever we want. While conventional phone cannot let us do so. Without the wire and phone port, it cannot work. Therefore,mobile phone is obviously better than conventional phone.

12:46 PM

Blogger scorpioneo said...

Dear Hakimi PM51,

Do use the points that you have copied and paste for the comparison (assignment 2) and paraphrase.

2:05 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Marvelous changes in human life have led by technological discovery in the last decade. Moreover, technologies of communication have rapidly become advanced in the recent time as well. One of advanced technology of communication is about phone, mobile phone will definitely replace conventional phone that has been used 4 or 5 years ago. Even though many people are still using conventional phone, the advantages of a mobile phone is much better than a conventional phone. In addition, there are various usages of mobile phone such as, access to the internet, send messages, save data, take pictures, or even record a video. On the other hand, people who were previously hard to reach may be contacted much easier now because of the mobile phones. However, the respondent may answer the mobile phone almost anywhere. Therefore, mobile phone has a better quality of communication matter than conventional phone.

5:38 PM

Blogger M!@O Y!n said...

Conventional phone vs Mobile phone

Nowadays, technological inventions have led to magnificent changes in human life. One of the examples of technological inventions is conventional phone and mobile phone. Both of the phones have the same function as to communicate with each other; but there are also differences between these two phones. One of the differences is their features. Mobile phone is small size, very light, and also wireless; it lets us easy to carry and keep it in the pocket. But conventional phone only can use in the house or office, and is big size. Besides that, mobile phone has high technology such as infrared, GPRS (General Packet Radio Service), WAP. We can transfer some important details through this technology; it also can online and downloads some games, ring tones and wallpapers. Most of the mobile phones are colour screen with camera and polyphonic ring tones but the conventional phones don’t have all this features. We can snap photo and video by using the camera phone and send it to friends through MMS. Furthermore, mobile phone not only can communicate with audio but also sending a short message. There is some electronic secretary such as alarm clock, stock watch, calendar, reminder, and etc.

11:25 PM

Blogger M!@O Y!n said...

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11:30 PM

Blogger M!@O Y!n said...

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12:35 AM

Blogger scorpioneo said...

Topic 2:palm top vs personal computer
Technology inventions have led to the magnificent changes in human life in the last decade.One of the technology which has being created to the magnificent changes is palm top.Palm top is the smaller version of a peasonal computer.It is portoble which means that we can bring it with us wherever we are in.On the other hand,personal computer is a big electronic machine and is not portoble..It can only put on the desktop.If a business man need to work wherever he goes,he needs a palm top!Without a palm top,he could not work!A palm top can also helps a business man to remember all af his appoinments without hiring a secretary!Thats why nowadays,people are using palm top rather than a personal computer.This is simply because a palm top is much more convinient than a personal computer!

11:16 PM

Blogger jackmarine said...

Technology advancement have been so advance that we can hardly think or imagine whats going to be the next new technology or new invention is going to take place.Let us take computer as example 20 years ago the computer is only for typing and recording information.But look at now the computer is not only just a tool for keeping information but for all things such as entertaiment but now there is a palm top.Let us see wbats the comparison and contrast between these 2 thing.

The similiar thing is that both of them are computers,they can store information.But the contrast between them is that the palm top is much much smaller than the the computer,you can serve the net even of the road side cause it is wireless.This is most suitable for business man as they need to keep in touch with the latest business information such as sharemarket and others considering with business.

Th computer is as we know bigger but the functions are magnificent you can save thousand of files,doing all kinds of function such as maybe programming and others.For teenager nowadays it is the tool for entertaiment especially when there are all kinds of facinating games.

9:51 AM


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