Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Third Assignment

For the third assignment, i'm bringing in a topic that can cause some controversy. I am aware that there would be some of you who will not be able to accept this topic but I'm hoping that you keep an open mind about it. Here you are free to voice your opinions, regardless on which side of the fence you stand on. I would like to stress that this topic has been chosen as I personally feel that WE ALL need to widen our perspective on EVERYTHING and learn as much as the world can offer us. Again, there is a link at "Third Assignment". It will help you alot. Also, this link has both sides of the arguments. Happy reading and writing! Here's the topic:

Gay Marriage

Thesis Statements:
a. Granting legal marriage rights to gays and lesbians would threaten the stability of the family,

a pillar of our society.

b. Granting legal marriage rights under the law must extend to gays and lesbians to ensure that
all citizens enjoy full human rights.

Some of the issues in this argument:
  • Should society encourage traditional values and traditional forms of family life?
  • Should employee benefits be offered to people with domestic partners?
  • Should we tolerate discrimination against gays and lesbians in employment or housing?
  • Should our government enact legislation to strengthen and support traditional families -- like a constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman?
  • Should we provide the same rights to gay and lesbian couples that are currently only afforded to heterosexual couples -- the right to marry, adopt and receive benefits?

Monday, September 27, 2004

Second Assignment

Technological inventions have led to magnificent changes in human life in the last decade. Compare or contrast any pair of the gadgets listed below. Write only one paragraph.

  • Palm Top vs. Personal Computer
  • Digital Camera vs. Handy Camera
  • Conventional Phone vs. Mobile Phone

Friday, September 24, 2004

First assignment

For you first assignment, you will have to write an argument paragraph (first body paragraph) on the following topic, "Animal Rights". Below are the two possible thesis statements for this particular topic and you'll have to choose a side and construct your argument paragraph with relevant details and evidence. Happy writing!

Thesis Statements:
a. Animal testing is necessary to develop new medicines and advance scientific


b. Animal testing is unethical and should be outlawed.

Some of the issues in this argument:

a. What rights do animals possess?
b. What rights do humans have to use animals as they wish?
c. Can new medicines and vaccines be safely developed without animal testing?
d. Is it human nature to eat meat?Do humans exploit animals when they keep them as pets and/or in zoos?

Note: Click on "FIrst Assignment " as there is a link there to help you in your writing. The links brings you to website with information on animal testing.