Monday, July 31, 2006

Information Transfer: Past year question (10 December 2005)

Refer to page 14 of the past year exam compilation and post your essays here. Make sure you include these particulars in your essay:

1. Introduce the graph
2. Desribe axis-X & axis-Y
3. Desribe the highest & lowest
4. Comparison of the highest and lowest.
5. General statement to desribe the graph (eg. From the graph, most students travel to the university by foot.)
6. Give 2 reasons based on the trend.

Happy writing!

Below is an example of how you can write.

The bar graph above shows the survey on how MMU students goes to campus in December 2004. The X-axis (Axis-X) represents the mode of transportation (traveling methods) used by students while, the Y-axis (axis-Y) represents the number of students. According(From) to the graph, most of the students prefer to walk to campus (or students most preferred method of traveling to campus is by foot) while, the least preferred method is cycling with 350 students and 150 students respectively. Thus, this data shows a difference of 200 students. One of the reasons students prefer to walk to campus is to save cost as walking does not incur any petrol cost. Apart from this, students are able to save traveling time, which gives them the flexibility and convenience. (126 words)

Monday, July 24, 2006

Information transfer - Past Year Question

Please refer to page 9 of the past year compilation and complete section C(writing) . Remember to keep your summary to 150 words, maximum! Happy writing.

Below is a sample answer for this question:

The pie chart shows the survey on choice of fast food outlest among Malaysian College Students for May 2004. Each slice represents the percentage of choice among college students. From the chart, McDonalds hold the highest percentage with 33% while, Burger King has the lowest percentage with 8%. The chart clearly shows that McDonalds is the most preferred fast food outlet among college students. McDonalds is most preferred because of their aggressive advertising which, targets not only children and teenagers, but also, to adults and families. Apart from that, they have a wide variety in their menu to cater to the different taste buds of the masses, which ranges from burgers to chicken and even to porridge compared to Burger Kings that only serve mainly burgers. (132 words)